Top Ways Football Coaches Improve Player Performance with Helmet Sensor Technology
Football Coaches Share the Data-Driven Advantage of Head Impact Sensor Technology and how Impact Reports Help Them Improve Player Technique
Head impact sensor technology may be an emerging tool but is quickly growing across the youth, high school, and college-level playing fields. A major driver of this growth is the adoption by Football Coaches because of the value-added performance insights they can now access. Since Football Coaches have altered practice drills and shifted to a technique designed to lessen the amount of head contact, these sensors can quickly identify a player’s technique habit and where adjustments must be made.
Coaches have pressure to win games. A key component of winning games is keeping your players safe and finding ways to maximize practice intensity while minimizing the risk of player injury.
Using sensor technology, Coaches have supporting data to manage a player’s workload and to make more informed decisions about establishing technique fundamentals. Very quickly, Coaches are identifying critical gaps in how they teach their players to engage in contact and how some players perform. Summarized reports delivered from the Athlete Intelligence system identify Coachable Moments by quickly highlighting players with higher workloads of head impacts or impacts that occur in risky areas on the head.
Below are common ways Football Coaches express using head impact sensors and impact summary reports to improve their teams’ performance and safety:
Spanaway Lake High School Football
“Working with Athlete Intelligence allows us to show our players the importance of keeping their head up and out of contact. When they have a visual of where contact with their helmet happens, it gives our staff another tool to stress safety on the field.” Coach John Robak
Glastonbury High School
“The biggest benefit is that our kids are safer and what we’re trying to do is be smarter about how we coach and trying to be proactive and recognize when a kid is in that danger zone. It’s not always that one big hit that somebody is going to get a concussion, It’s usually a cumulative thing and now we can track that.” Coach Eric Hennessy
Ellensburg High School Football
“Having the opportunity to view how many impacts are actually happening in our drills adds another tool in making sure we are teaching the correct technique.” Coach Jeff Zenisek
Susan E Wagner High School Football
“This gives us the ability to monitor and respond to our players in real-time and to have another piece of information that helps us maximize the time and reps for the small number of players we have while keeping them safe and healthy. This will be another tool in order to optimize our ability to be at top shape come game time.” Coach Arthur Newcombe
Ernest Manning High School Football
“It’s been a fantastic program for us and at this point, it’s prevented two of our players from playing with concussions that we wouldn’t have caught without the technology.” Coach Wayde Bymoen
Middletown High School Football
“We believe this information allows us to better monitor the impacts and forces that are affecting our players. This is the future and everybody, I imagine, will be using this type of technology. It’s all about the safety of the kids.” Coach Bill Donohue
Pacific Lutheran University Football:
“It’s exciting to bring a quantitative element to the safety and instruction of our players with Athlete Intelligence.” Coach Brant McAdams
Shenango Valley Midget Football League
“Athlete Intelligence gives us the opportunity to monitor contact in real-time and coach technique adjustments to minimize the risk for our athletes. “It puts the parent’s mind at ease that we are trying anything and everything to make the game safer for their children.” Organization President and Coach Ric Blanchard
About Athlete Intelligence
Athlete Intelligence is a head impact monitoring and sensor technology subscription service for sports teams. We combine wearable technology with simplified data analytics to uncover key training opportunities to improve a player’s performance and head safety. Athlete Intelligence offers head impact monitoring and sensor technology services to youth, high school, and college-level programs.
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